If you are interested in joining our Research Database, we will ask you to complete a consent form which enables us to collect basic demographic data. When there is a new study that we think you are a match for, we will contact you to see if you are still interested in participating. If so, we provide specific details about the study and invite you in to the clinic for an initial screening visit.
Many of these studies have very strict inclusion and exclusion criteria so not everyone is guaranteed a place on the trial. You do, however, get a good medical check-up in the process, and it costs you nothing! In fact, if you are placed into a trial, we recompense your travel costs and time for each visit.
We are always happy to hear from people who want to find out more, so please don’t hesitate to call us. You won’t be contacted unless there is a specific study suitable to your condition and, of course, you are under no obligation to participate. Should you ever wish to withdraw your name from the database, please let us know.